Recognizing and acknowledging the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice, and peace in the world;
Realizing with great satisfaction that the Standard Rules of the Equalization of Opportunities for People within the community play an important role in influencing the promotion, formation, and evaluation of the policies, plans, programs, and actions at the national level to further equalization of opportunities and community development for the people within the communities.
Having realized to strengthen, practice and share the information on the importance of the self initiative on community development:
do here by solemnly consolidate our efforts and agree to proclaim,
for the purpose of forming a NON-FOR-PROFIT Corporation pursuant to
and in accordance with the Provision of Part II of the Association
Law of June 1975, Chapter 20, of the Association Law of Liberia,
hereby make, subscribe, acknowledge and file into the office of the
Registrar of the Liberia Business Registry of affairs of the Republic
of Liberia this instrument in so doing certify as follows:
One – Name, Acronym, Founder and Sphere of Activities
Section 1.1
The name of the Corporation shall be “UNITY WORLD FAMILY INC”
Section 1.2 - Acronym
Its acronym of this organization shall be “UNWOFAM”.
Section 1.3 - Founder
UNITY WORLD FAMILY INC” was founded by Madam Sonie D. Jallah- Nippes (Germany) who saw the need to assist people within their community through developmental projects and to raise community awareness on basic Health, social and political issues that affect the community.
Section 1.4 - Sphere of Activities
The organization shall be involved in community based development in all aspects of the community. There will be social, physical, psychological and other activities that will be a community centre.
Two – Aims, Mission and Vision
Section 2.1
The purpose of this NGO is to engage in any lawful act or activity for which the organization may now or hereafter be organized under the above cited provisions of the Association Law of Liberia, and in furtherance of the foregoing; the general nature of the institution shall include, but not be limited to the followings:
To give love and care to all people within the community without disparity;
To provide physical, spiritual, and psychological needs to all in the community;
To advocate for their rights, providing empowerment opportunities for self-sufficiency and sustainability; and
To promote a positive attitude towards all people within our community.
To give excellent quality of life to the children, women, teenage boys / girls, older men /women in the surrounding areas of Liberia;
We encourage self-determination in activities, socialization, food growing facility for the hunger by establishing farm for unemployed family;
To value the relationship between family and restore the unity;
To provide both preventive and curative health care to the needy;
To get engage in academic and vocational education for school aged children and dropout; -
To undertake community empowerment projects, micro loans, small scale business management training among others for economic empowerment;
To implement specific projects and programs for orphans, abandoned street kids physically challenged, wisdoms elderly and the extreme poor in the society;
To construct low cost family size housing units for the down trodden and hard to reach population;
To help those who have no family and have problems with crime issues;
To designed and undertake necessary fundraising programmes to generate funds and resources needed to support the foregoing purposes of its mission;
To purchase, take on, lease, hire, exchange, or otherwise acquire any real or personal property and any rights or privileges which may think necessary or convenient for the purpose of its mission; and
To apply for and/or obtain from the Government of Liberia or any other public authority, municipal, local, or otherwise, any licence, right, privilege, concession and all approvals necessary for the licensing, registration and general operation of the institution and other projects that the institution may undertake in the course of achieving its mission and objectives.
Section 2.2 - Mission
The mission of the “UNWOFAM” shall be to:
To stimulate or encourage activities that derives ways and means that will provide sustainable Livelihood opportunities and restore the inherent rights of all within our community.
Section 2.3 Visions
The vision of the organization is to support the government through awareness and the provision of Livelihood opportunities for all people within the borders of our communities in Liberia. To assess the community and identify suitable and meaningful projects that will be implemented and bring positive change to the overall development of the community.
THREE - Duration
The “UNWOFAM” shall have perpetual existence.
Article Four - Domicile
National Headquarters of the organization shall be located in
Monrovia, the capital city of the Republic of Liberia or any other
suitable place near the city of Monrovia, the Residence offices shall
be maintained in other cities in Liberia. Its Registered Agent or
Designate residing at this address for the service of process shall
be Dr John Karsor Jallah, Monrovia, Liberia, West Africa, Tel. Number
Article Five – Board of Directors
Board of Directors of the organization shall be not less than three
and more than nine members, who initial members shall be appointed by
the incorporates and shall function in accordance to the bye-laws and
constitution of the entity.
Article Six - Organization Structure
Section 6.1 Structure
The structure of the organization shall be as follow:
Executive Director, Deputy Director for Programmes, Deputy Director for Administration, Secretary General and Financial Secretary.
Section 7.2 Executive Director
The Executive Director shall run the day-to-day activities of the organization and preside over all senior management meeting. He/she shall oversee all activities of the UNWOFAM. He/she shall serve as the official spokesperson of the organization He/she shall approve all documents be it financial or non-financial. He/she shall be the principal signatory to the organization bank account. He/she shall appoint all coordinators and committees’ heads with the consent of the executive committee member. He/she shall brief the body in every meeting and give a quarterly report.
Section 7.3 Deputy Director for Programmes
The Deputy Director for Programmes shall lead the organization in the absence of the Executive Director. He/she shall assume the responsibility of the Executive Director in case of impeachment, resignation, death, or inability of the chairman. He/she will design programmes/activities that will encourage members to cement relationship and consolidate contact with each other, as well as in producing strategic programmes and sustainable project for the community.
Section 7.4 Deputy Director for Administration
He/she shall be responsible for managing all mobilizing and recruiting new staff. He/she shall supervise and coordinate the affair of all logistical and administrative function. The Deputy Director for Administration will guide admin/log staff under his/her jurisdiction.
Section 7.5 Secretary General
The secretary general shall receive and send out all communications for UNWOFAM. He/she shall be the chief custodian of all documents and records of the organization. The secretary general shall prepare the agenda for meetings in consultation with the Executive Director. He/ she shall record and read meeting minutes during all meetings. He/she shall serve as the chief scribe of UNWOFAM.
Section 7.6 Assistant Secretary General
The Assistant Secretary General shall serve in the absence of the secretary general. He/she shall assume the responsibility of the secretary post in case of impeachment, resignation, death, or inability of the secretary general.
Section 7.7 Financial Secretary
The Financial Secretary shall be responsible for all financial management of the UNWOFAM. He/she shall collect all funds and processing of all financial documents such as vouchers, deposits and withdrawers slips. He/she shall keep all financial records for the UNWOFAM. He/she shall be a signatory to the organization’s bank account. Must report on the income of the organization quarterly and brief the body in every meeting.
Article Six – Liability
The Dept, obligations, and liabilities of UNWOFAM, whether arising in contract, tort or otherwise, shall be solely the Dept, obligations, and liabilities of UNWOFAM. No member, director, or officer of UNWOFAM shall be obligated personally for any such Dept, obligations, and liabilities of UNWOFAM solely by being a member, director, or officer of UNWOFAM.
- Names
and Addresses of Incorporates
are the names and address of the incorporates:
1. Madam Sonie D.
Jallah- Beckergasse 12,50354 Hurth Germany
2.Georg Scheffczyk-
semperstrasse 115 ,44801 Bochum Germany
3.Dr. John Karsor Jallah
Monrovia, Montserrado County
- Amendment Provision
amendment to these Articles of Incorporation shall be done as
enshrined in the Bi- laws and Constitution of the UNITY WORLD FAMILY
(UNWOFAM) INCORPORATED. Its existence shall begin upon filing of
these Articles of Incorporation with the Liberia Business Registry of
the Republic of Liberia.